Chelsea & Zach

October 4, 2025 • Chapel Hill, NC
204 Days To Go!

Chelsea & Zach

October 4, 2025 • Chapel Hill, NC
204 Days To Go!

Our Story

Our Story

Like many couples, Zach and Chelsea met in college; unlike many couples it was NOT an immediate love story. Chelsea was a diligent student, while Zach was more interested in the social possibilities that college could provide. Nevertheless, when Zach went to class crossing paths with Chelsea was always the highlight of his day. Chelsea remembers many pleasant conversations with Zach that led her to wonder if he were always so personable with everyone he met, or was it something about her, in particular. A lighthearted camaraderie quickly developed, bolstered by a shared course load of an English and Dramatic Art double major. Whether it was a stuffy medieval literature class in Greenlaw Hall, or working backstage on a production of Henry IV in the Center for Dramatic Art, Chelsea and Zach would start a trend of innocuously crossing paths that would prove excellent foreshadowing. After graduation, Zach went on to begin his technical theatre career in lighting, working various gigs and tours across the country over the years. Similarly, Chelsea found herself working in the same field as a theatre administrator, spanning from Florida to DC.

Years later, Zach's tour was in Orlando and he suddenly had a nagging suspicion that one of the people working at the theatre appeared more familiar than they should; with great trepidation, he walked over and made eye contact. What followed could only be described as kismet, as his instincts had been correct; it was Chelsea! After a few minutes of casual conversation, they parted ways again. (Chelsea had asked if Zach wanted to get a drink later, but Zach was daft and declined the offer.) Neither knew at the time that this moment would provide the basis for such a wonderful origin story. Fast forward a few more years and the roles were reversed; Chelsea, newly resettled back in North Carolina after the pandemic, spotted Zach behind the light board at the Durham Performing Arts Center and came to greet him. Zach and Chelsea once again bandied some words between the two of them and parted with a sense of subdued awe. This was the second time serendipity had seemingly thrown them at one another, but the time wasn’t quite right and they parted once again.

Eventually, the touring life began to wear on Zach, so he decided to settle back near his roots in North Carolina. Given that a great deal of success in the theatre business is derived by interpersonal connections and reputation, it only seemed prudent that he should reach out to similar professionals in the area. Much to Zach’s delight, Chelsea was not only currently based in the Triangle, but working in a producing role at PlayMakes in the building where they first interacted over a decade earlier. This seemed like an enticing networking opportunity, but after just one coffee date to discuss work and catch up, it became readily apparent that more amorous implications were taking hold. Within a few months, Zach and Chelsea had dispensed with the façade of a purely professional interaction and began to look at one another in a whole new light. To this day, Zach contends that on one wonderful Halloween night an unbreakable spell was cast and Chelsea has maintained ownership of his heart ever since. A lucky thirteen months later, they met up at the Forest Theatre, where after several days of clues and puzzles, Zach's treasure hunt ended in a proposal. Utilizing a year's worth of handmade cards and invisible ink, a UV light revealed Zach's intentions. Now, the happily bewitched couple plan to tie the knot forever on October 4th, 2025 (10-4, good buddy!). Fate, it seems, always had it out for them and would not be denied.